January 2025
whole number 421
2025 pages 001-008
Rodney Schroeter provides the cover collage celebrating 35 of years of the newsletter.
In Under the Gun, Robin Snyder looks back on some memories and highlights of his publishing going back even before the newsletter. Gary Kato's 2024 Christmas card is featured, Stephen Bissette writes in appreciation of some of the recent print-on-demand books featuring Gill/Ditko Charlton reprints and other things, plus outlines some of his future plans. Daryl Coats, Eric Reese and Nick Caputo also write in, and the passings of Steve Erwin and Joy Seligsohn are noted.
Barry Pearl writes about his first hand experience with comics distribution and display in his family's store in the 1960s.
A Steve Ditko essay, "The Exceptional", includes some memories of the creation of the classic AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL #1 back in 1964.
Part 77 of the Robert Kanigher bibliography, "The Mystery Of The Human Thunderbolt" has a look at some of the members of Easy Company featured in various DC war books from 1957.