November 2024
whole number 419
2024 pages 081-088
Cover this time is a script page to THE THREE STOOGES IN ORBIT by Marvin A. Karp from 1962. Karp's 2003 passing is noted with some notes on his career, as is Roger Elwood's 2007 passing.
Bob Haney provides a long memoir, "The Sixties", about some of his prolific career at DC, hitting all the highlights including Metamorpho and The Brave and the Bold.
Dave Sim reviews INTRODUCING CAPTAIN ATOM, the recent collection of Ditko's work at Charlton in 1960.
Part 60 of Carl Wessler's Upon Reflection has entries from 1968, including work at Harvey and DC.
Letters from Margaret Johnson, G.G. Faircloth, Joe Frank,T homas W. Scott III,W illiam Barker, Bernard Brannigan and Jim Stenstrum