Labels, archives and gadgets

Volume 11, Number 1

Vol. 11, No. 1
January 2000
whole number 121
2000 pages 001-008 (8 pages)

Fred Rhoads Senator Crock strips (front page)

Mr. A. promo by Ditko (mostly words bouncing around, no image)

Under the Gun: letters by Roy Thomas, Lou Mougin, Jerry De Fuccio, Carl Gaffford, Steve Skeates and Gary Usher

Ramblings by Vince Fago: Fago discusses his career 

A Belated Bow to John Severin by Robert Kanigher

Original art page by John Severin from Savage Tales # 7 (accompanying RK's piece)

Mocker promo by Steve Ditko

Tsk! Tsk!  C # 3 The Fallacy of the half and half Men Ditko editorial with art (back cover)

-- Indexed by: Nick Caputo